This website and blog are about my research and interest in ageing and transformation. I am interested in cultural attitudes and self-perceptions of ageing. My previous work was in design and I have rolled this over into my new area of interest - disrupting age stereotypes with my online store Edgy Elders
Global community of MobilisingWisdom - being inspired by nature, art & design, culture - taking our experiences and transforming them into a higher calling, vocation, or a lesson worth sharing. Feel free to add a comment. I have various other work roles, and will endeavour to respond. Thank you for your comments and communication.
I research ageing as part of my work and interests. The topic of ageing, mental health and transformation led me to return to university studies as a mature-aged student after working in design for a decade when I finished school. I encourage you to embrace your vocation, push back on ageist assumptions, find meaning and purpose in later life. Transitioning through life stages; the challenges, the joy, heart breaks and small wins all add to our sense of self as we age, transform and very often cultivates wisdom worth sharing.
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